Hundreds of Rasoiya Workers (Kitchen Workers under Mid Day Meal Scheme) under the banner of Bihar State School Rasoiya Association (affiliated to AICCTU) and other unions embarked on a protest march in Patna, Bihar on October 31 for their working class rights. Com. Saroj Choubey General Secretary of Rasoiya Association, we demand that the Bihar government should immediately take steps to address the demands of the Rasoiya, who have been working for years on pittance. Ours is a just demand for rights and dignity, we will not bow down until our demands are meet.
"If the government doesn't address the demands, we will go on a strike in November," Com. Saroj added.
The Rasoiya Workers has put forwarded a 13 point demands, including: government employees status to all Rasoiya Workers, increase the honorarium for Rs 1650 to Rs. 10,000, Rs. 3000 pension and retirement package,bring MDM scheme implementation under government and not NGOs, honorarium should be paid for all 12 months (from current 10 months).