Immediate SIT Formation Demanded in Muzaffarpur DBR Case

In a press conference held on June 30, AIPWA's National General Secretary Meena Tiwari along with survivors of Muzaffarpur DBR company job racket case the called for the immediate formation of a high level Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the case, alleging that the administration is shielding the criminals involved. The main accused, Manish Sinha, remains at large, and the administration is reportedly under pressure from the BJP, hindering his arrest.

All India Progressive Women's Association (AIPWA) 9th National Conference on 30 September

The 9th National Conference of AIPWA will be held on 30 September to 1 October in Delhi. Mina Tiwari, general secretary of AIPWA said that in challenging times when the government has left no stone unturned to suppress the voices of freedom and democracy, women are trying to raise their voice on issues ranging from livelihood to rights, equality and justice, we can see an open attempt by the dominant social-religious class and the feudal elements to suppress their voices brutally.

Bihar ASHAs Strike Enters into Fourth Week, Rally on 3 August

The indefinite strike of ASHA workers in Bihar has entered into the fourth week without any solution in face of the state government’s unwillingness to implement the already agreed upon demands of the latter. The rural health services are on a halt for almost a month because of the insensitive attitude of the state government, said Shashi Yadav who is among the leaders who spearhead this historic assertion of the workers in the rural health sector for a nine-point charter of demands. 

ASHA Workers’ Historic Strike in Bihar

The ASHA and ASHA Facilitators in Bihar are on an indefinite strike since 12 July for their long pending and unfulfilled demands. The main demands include recognition of their work as workers or employees and increase in wages which should not be termed as ‘reward’, to Rs. 10000 per month. They are also demanding disbursal of pending amount of Rs. 1000 per month from April 2019 to November 2020.

ASHA Workers Hold Massive Protest

Thousands of ASHAs and ASHA Facilitators held a militant protest in Patna on 21 March to reiterate their demand of 21000 Rs. honorarium and other demands. ASHAs have given an ultimatum to the government for a state wide strike in the month of April if their demands are not met. The Nitish government has scheduled a meeting with them on 23 March for discussion on their charter. 

AIPWA Bihar State Conference

The 8th AIPWA state conference was held in Darbhanga under the supervision of Uttar Pradesh Secretary and Bihar observer Kusum Verma. The conference elected a 31-member executive and 9-member team of office bearers. Shashi Yadav and Saroj Chaube were elected Secretary and President respectively. The office bearer team comprised Manju Prakash, Damyanti Sinha, Savitri Devi, Indu Singh, Rani Prasad, and Sohila Gupta, Anita Sinha, Rita Barnawal and Juhi Mahbooba as Joint Secretaries.