AIPWA Organizes March against Inflation, Unemployment

On the occasion of the 8th AIPWA state conference, AIPWA organized a march in Darbhanga on 10 September, culminating in a meeting at Laheriyaserai Tower. The demands raised through the march were: curbing inflation; roll back GST on petrol, diesel, cooking gas and food items; high level enquiry into the Rajwada episode; release Pappu Khan and other innocent people and withdraw cases against them. The march was led by AIPWA leaders including Shashi Yadav and Saroj Chaube.

PM Modi And HM Shah Must Answer For Decision To Free Bilkis Bano’s Gang-Rapists

16 August 2022

On the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, 11 men sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering 7 Muslims and gang-raping a pregnant Bilkis Bano, walked free because the Gujarat Government chose to remit their sentences.

They had committed their crime during the Gujarat 2002 anti-Muslim pogrom (which happened when PM Modi was Gujarat CM).

Statement By Feminist and Democratic Rights Groups:

Supreme Court Must Stay Karnataka HC Verdict Which Will Result In Exclusion Of Hijab wearing Muslim Girls From Accessing Education  

15th March 2022

The Karnataka High Court in its order today has held that wearing of hijab is not essential to the practice of Islam; that College Development Committees (CDCs) have a right to prescribe a uniform; and that Muslim girls must comply with whatever uniform is prescribed by their college.

International Women's Day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022 was observed in all the states with a resolve to strengthen the struggles of women for equality, freedom and livelihoods; to fight against hatred, oppression, fanaticism, bigotry and patriarchy; to strengthen the love and sisterhood; and stand for peace, against war on Ukraine and US-NATO expansionist Conspiracy.

Mid-day Meal Workers in Jharkhand Term PM Poshan Scheme A Way to Privatisation of Mid-day Meal

The Jharkhand Rajya Vidyalaya Sangh Sahebganj District Committee held a meeting on 9 November at Chhoti Kodarjanna presided over by the union President Nirmala Devi. Chief guest Comrade Geeta Mandal, in-charge Manoj Kumar Kushwaha and Mandro Block Vice President Malti Devi were present at the meeting.

Women's Parliament in Patna

AIPWA organized a women's Parliament in Patna on 9 August Kranti Diwas in support of a parallel Parliament organized on the same day at Jantar Mantar in Delhi to demand repeal of the 3 black farm laws.

Women from various Districts in Bihar participated in the Parliament. Prof Bharti S Kumar was duly elected Speaker of this Parliament. Five Bills were introduced at the Parliament regarding agriculture, labour, health, inflation, and oppression of women.

AIPWA Against Price Rise

The All India Progressive Women's Association organized protests in various Districts across the country on 5 July to demand an end to inflation and spiralling cooking gas prices. Women came out of their homes and protested on the streets and crossroads. In many places women protested with empty cylinders and empty mustard oil bottles, raised slogans, and burnt effigies of the Prime Minister.